With rising CO2 emissions and the soaring prices of fossil fuels, it’s no wonder an increasing number of energy users are switching to renewable energy. Government backed funding for renewable technologies such as heat pumps and biomass boilers means that there has never been a better time to switch  to renewable energy. 

Heat Pumps

Renewable technologies such as heat pumps are significantly becoming a popular option  for both residential and commercial properties. Their ultra-efficiency means that you can significantly cut down on heating bills whilst reducing your carbon footprint.

Solar Panels

Want to save money on energy bills whilst significantly reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions on which you depend on?  Why not consider installing a solar system and get paid for the electricity you generate through the government’s Feed-in Tariff scheme.

Storage Batteries

Batteries enable you to store more energy that your solar panels generate which can be used at night when they aren’t in use or during optimal times where you have a high electricity demand. This means savings on energy bills, all while keeping the same tariffs!  

Biomass Boilers

Biomass heating systems generate heat for your home and hot water from burning wood pellets, chips or logs; making them a great way to combat carbon dioxide emissions and save significantly on your heating bills (savings of up to 80%). 

At First4Eco, we manage Domestic, Commercial & Social Housing projects through design, planning , installation & operation. Contact us for a free telephone consultation!